Poets and Their Passion For Lexicographers
My “American Language Book Tour” — Following in Noah Webster’s Footsteps
My “American Language Book Tour,” which starts next week, is inspired by America’s first book tour — the one taken by Noah Webster in 1785-1786 to promote his speller. Webster went up and down America, going from Portsmouth, NH to Savannah, GA. As I explain in Chapter 4 of my book, “Counting His Way Across America,” in […]
My Boston Globe Review of a New Book on Celebrity
Psychology Today Blog
Here’s the first post of my PT blog, “Adventures in Biography.” http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/adventures-in-biography
The Spelling Bee
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704875604575280822341418854.html The Wall St. Journal recently published an article Noah Webster’ s role as the father of the modern spelling bee